Travelogue Yirgalem
Exploring Yirgalem: A Journey Through Sidama’s Charm

Tuesday morning in Hawassa began with the soft light filtering through my hotel room window, coaxing me from slumber to embark on another adventure. As I descended to the hotel’s dining area, the tranquility enveloped me; I found myself the lone patron amidst the quiet hum of early morning preparations. With a day of discovery ahead, we set out on a scenic one-hour drive from Hawassa to Yirgalem, where promises of sunshine and warmth awaited us in the heart of the Sidama Region, Ethiopia.

Our trusty chauffeur, Efferson, greeted us punctually, positioning our vehicle near the hotel’s entrance. Joining me in the back seat was my colleague, Yibeltal, his smile a reassuring presence for the journey ahead. Our first stop was to rendezvous with “our man in Hawassa,” Shimelis, whose home nestled near the serene waters of the lake. A brief, ten-minute drive through bustling Hawassa streets brought us to his doorstep, where the vibrant energy of the city pulsed around us.

Hawassa, home to approximately 130,000 souls, unfolded before us in a tapestry of movement and color. Efferson navigated the bustling thoroughfares with finesse, weaving through a symphony of pedestrians, livestock, and carts drawn by diminutive donkeys guided by youthful handlers. Despite the throng of activity, there was a harmonious rhythm to the chaos, a shared understanding that allowed each traveler their passage without conflict.

Venturing beyond the city limits, the landscape unfolded in a gentle panorama, revealing a procession of pedestrians and donkeys along the roadside. Familiar sights signaled our approach to Yirgalem: vendors peddling their wares, the scent of freshly roasted coffee drifting on the breeze, and towering trees offering respite from the midday sun.

Crossing the bridge marked our imminent arrival, ushering in a sense of anticipation as Yirgalem beckoned with its warm embrace. As we wound our way through the city’s undulating streets, crossing rivers and ascending mountainsides, I rolled down the car window, eager to savor the sensory delights awaiting us.

The aroma of freshly roasted coffee enveloped me, a familiar comfort that whispered of hospitality and tradition. While the hotel’s coffee was commendable, nothing compared to the richness of the brew served in these humble roadside coffee spots. Here, amidst the camaraderie of locals, we indulged in the ritual of Ethiopian coffee, enhanced by a fragrant herb known as Tena’adam, or “Health of Adam,” which lent its distinctive flavor to the brew.

Engaging in conversation with my colleagues, we savored each sip, relishing the camaraderie and warmth of shared moments. In these fleeting interludes, amidst the laughter and idle chatter, it was easy to forget the demands of work and embrace the leisurely pace of the day.

Indeed, it was these simple pleasures—moments of respite amidst the bustling streets, the taste of freshly brewed coffee on our lips, and the camaraderie of newfound friends—that transformed our journey into a joyful exploration of Ethiopia’s cultural richness. As the day unfolded, each encounter, each sip of coffee, became a cherished memory, reminding us that sometimes, the true essence of travel lies not in the destination, but in the moments shared along the way.

Thank you Shimelis and Yibeltal for making my trips to your wonderful country so joyful.

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