White papers

Free white papers

These white papers provide insights and best practices that helped us successfully realize our vision to support (local) government to increase Internally Generated Revenue for local development.

Insufficient Revenues from Property tax

This white paper discusses the catch-22 situation that many Local Government (Municipalities) find themselves in where they seems to be unable to generate enough funds from Property tax (normally the largest and easiest source of income) because they lack the funds to do a proper valuation of those properties, needed to establish a good Tax Base (defined as the collective value of the property assets subject to taxation) and a solution (the Light Assessment Framework) we have introduced in Ghana, enabling Local Government to break free and start Revenue collection.

Strategy Maps for Local Government

This white paper discusses the challenges we see in many municipalities (cities) that start to create and use Strategy Maps and Strategic Objectives, often for innovations or to help and change their organizational structure to address many challenges e.g. deliver the appropriate services to their citizens.

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