Water Abstraction in Awash Basin in Ethiopia
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Awash Awash Basin

We have been collaborating for the last five years. Your contribution, input guidance, and creative mind on the development of the AGM w@tch™ Circular accelerator digital framework from conceptualization to realization are enormous and substantial.

We are thankful and amazed by your skills, approach, and patience in the way you capacitated our staff and built their knowledge! It brought some good progress and impact.

As a project manager of the Water Pricing and Sustainable Growth, I would like to say thank you and am quite hopeful that we continue our collaborations in the future as well.

Tegenu Zerfu Tsige

Manager DWA and WD, Woord en Daad Ethiopia

About the project

The objective of the project is to achieve a comprehensive transition towards equitable access to limited water resources and enhanced water utilization within the Awash basin. This will be accomplished through the implementation of refined water management strategies and regulatory frameworks.

The specific aim is to streamline the introduction of a permit and charging mechanism. Assistance will be provided in translating data related to water abstraction and availability into a comprehensive allocation framework for water access through permits. Additionally, a structured system will be established for issuing water use permits, incorporating considerations such as pricing, justified allocations, and water usage prerequisites.

The establishment of improved regulation and the development of an effective tariffing system, along with the collection of payments from end-users, require precise water system data generated through appropriate instrumentation, leading to the provision of relevant management information (comprising both hardware and software solutions).

This collaboration between the public and private sectors is aimed at addressing the national challenge regarding the delineation of responsibilities between federal and regional water authorities in the implementation of licensing, measurement, and billing protocols within the subsystem. 

In partnership with the Dutch Water Authorities, VNG International the Dutch non-governmental organization Woord en Daad, Awash Basin Development Office, Oromia Regional Water, Mining and Energy Bureau, and the Dutch private company Eijkelkamp Projects, All Government Matters is actively engaged in assisting the Awash Basin Development Office in organizational and capacity-building initiatives. Additionally, efforts are focused on facilitating the implementation of a permit and tariffing system.

This support includes the translation of water abstraction and availability data into a comprehensive water access allocation framework through permit issuance. Furthermore, assistance is provided in establishing a structured system for issuing water use permits, encompassing aspects such as pricing, justified allocations, and stipulated water usage requirements.

Our approach contained five elements

A proven methodology has been implemented for the levying and collection of charges. Central to this approach was the establishment of constructive dialogue between a responsible government entity, committed to delivering high-quality services with a customer-centric focus, and actively engaged citizens.

The methodology follows a structured 5-step process:

  • Develop a comprehensive strategy for implementation.
  • Implement awareness campaigns and enhance social skills among River Basin staff.
  • Establish organizational processes for the registration, permitting, charging, collection, and enforcement phases.
  • Introduce and provide training on user-friendly, permit-fee charging and collection software to facilitate efficient revenue management and mitigate risks associated with revenue leakages and fraud.
  • Conduct project management training to ensure the sustainability of services and to monitor early outcomes.

AGM w@tch Foundation, a circular accelerator implementation example

To support the project, we have implemented, on top of the AGM Core Framework, one of the 3 w@tch modules:

w@tch 4 Resource™


During this project (as we try to achieve in all our other projects as well), we worked with local people as much as possible. And enjoyed local hospitality and “cuisine“, because the food is amazing!

Also, during the fasting periods, we enjoy Vegan food and do not miss the meat!


Happy to tell you more

Do you want to know more about this project? You can contact us any time.

We would love to tell you more about it.