Consultancy and Change
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Change program

Focus on helping local governments


Our programmatic change approach is very much in line with the IMF recommendations for successful tax reforms. We focus on helping local governments to solve issues in both revenue collection as in improving services.

The approach is highly participatory, and starts by jointly analyzing the legal framework, identifying bottlenecks and specific local opportunities. It seeks to develop a long-term shared strategy, founded on a business case indicating costs and benefits. It comprehends a change program that covering organizational change and IT. The programmatic approach thus covers almost all the issues as mentioned above.

Five tracks

1. Analysis and strategy

Diagnose existing problems and to develop the appropriate strategy

2. Organization, processes and procedures

Support the municipalities in organizational changes necessary for a successful local tax administration

3. Implementation of AGM’s taxMan solution

Provide low-threshold tooling, enabling the organization to move away from cash and paper-based collection systems

4. Implementation of Quick Wins

Identification of Quick wins for the business and organization with a crisp plan for realization and implementation

5. Taxpayer services and communication

Deliver practical workshops on taxpayer communication for staff of the municipality and assist them to draft a communication plan, to select the best communication measures and to develop communication materials (paper based, audio, internet, etc.)

Reform and Project management

Set up the Program & Project Organisation with a clear role of the Program project boards, Steering committee, and Project support including reporting. Implementation and embedding in the Standing organization including maintenance and helpdesk

Additional Track

Programmatic Change approach for Local taxation and Services

You can read our complete change approach in our data sheet.