City of Beira
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The BLAS2 project

Where Pungwe River meets the Indian Ocean

In the central region of Mozambique the capital and largest city of Sofala Province (it is the fourth-largest city by population in Mozambique) is the city of Beira. It is located there, where the Pungwe River meets the Indian Ocean. It has the regionally significant Port of Beira.


The BLAS 2 project (Beira Land Administrations Systems Project) is supporting the municipality of Beira in Mozambique to improve the development and usage of 2 IT applications in the field of cadaster (CADDIG application) and tax (SIGEMU application).

IT strategy

Usage of IT systems (applications and equipment) in the municipality on an increasing scale, and the challenges that also have been increasing, has led to the conclusion that the municipality needs wel defined IT strategy implemented.

Better organized 

Staff responsible for IT needs to be better organized (specific roles), policies and procedures need to be put in place to better support the municipal staff doing their daily job. Training is also needed for those who use IT and training for those who support IT.



During the May mission the focus was on making an inventory on what is available and what is needed. This led to a report highlighting the challenges, and the prioritization of next steps and actions.

During the October mission we worked on prioritizing the priorities. It became evident during our workshops and meetings that the IT department needed to be better organized. It also became evident that instead of implementing 7 or 10 IT procedures, we just needed to implement 2 or 3 to start with.

Next to getting the right person for the right job in position, the coming period will be used to implement IT Asset management policies and procedures, with IT Tooling.

Happy to tell you more

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