Constantin de Gaza

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Constantin de Gaza

All Government Matters BV

After studying finance and administration, Constantin worked for a few years as Financial Controller for various large multi-national corporations who established their European headquarters in Geneva.

After a graduate degree in information security at the University of Geneva, he started a career in information technology and implemented various ERPs in more than 35 countries and tax jurisdictions.

Over the next 20 years, Constantin worked on public sector transformation programs for a major software company, starting as the senior functional architect for UN agencies, then taking the lead as director business development and solutions strategy for public institutions in charge of revenue collection across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Since 2020, as he continues to provide thought leadership to software companies in the design and strategy of next-generation mission-critical systems for state and federal revenue collection, Constantin has decided to bring his experience into solutions that respond to current global challenges in building the resilience of local communities.

All Government Matters B.V.

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